Pursuing a Bachelor in Communications in the Sunway Monash campus currently and may i say that first week of class has been fair to me. Met my first few lecturers and they are actually very nice. I am really looking forward to my life in Monash. Definitely a 360 degrees turn from my experience in Diploma as well as KDU. Learning new subjects and trying to digest new (challenging) information. People in Monash are not as nerdy as you think they are. True they are the studious type but not the typical portrayal of nerds in the Western countries.
Its just the first week and not much can be concluded here as i will be here for another 2 more years. I feel thank selecting Monash is a right choice and I am paying for money's worth here. Here's to me and my friends as we have completed our Diploma and starting a new fight for our Degree! :)